Author: Abel Mtweve


This study investigated the effect of single parenting on secondary school students’ academic achievement in Dodoma City, Tanzania. The study was guided by two specific objectives which were, to examine the causes of single parenting on student academic achievements, and to assess the impact of single parents on student academic achievements. The researcher employed a case study design using a qualitative research approach. A total of 45 participants including 10 teachers (staff) and 35 students from five selected secondary schools participated in the study. Purposive sampling techniques were used in the selection of participants. Interview and Focus Group discussion methods were used to obtain data from students and teachers. The gathered data were thematically analyzed to generate themes and sub-themes. The findings revealed different causes of single parenting including death, divorce, abandonment, and unplanned pregnancy. It was also revealed that the emergence of street children, early pregnancy as well as physical and social problems are the impacts of single parenting on the academic achievements of single-parent secondary school students. Based on the findings, this study recommends to the government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology that it provide training and seminars to the teachers on how to help students from single-parent family’s deal with various challenges encountered in secondary school for better academic achievements.

Keywords: Parental, parental conflict, secondary school, students, Single, achievement


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