Author: Charles René Koung


We conducted mixed research focused on an empirical-inductive approach whose general objective was to know if the specificities of physical care, control of environmental stressors, caregiver/patient relationship, and resilience skills in geriatric department of the central hospital of Yaoundé had an impact on the quality of life of the patient in this hospital institution. Based on the humanist theories, specially the theory of needs of Abraham Maslow and, helping relationship of Carl Rogers, we were able to elaborate the working hypothesis that generated specific hypotheses. This allowed us to build our methodology by selecting a sample of four participants from the population accessible, through reasoned choice sampling. On these participants, we passed the semi-structured interview, the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI); then the questionnaire sent to the nursing staff. The results were transcribed, analysed, and interpreted; and then discussed using observations from the works of other authors. In the end, it turned out that anxiety disorders, which are not necessarily of the order of emergency, nevertheless remain prevalent in the psyche of patients in the geriatric department. The specificities of the management of these disorders have been observed through physical care, which has helped to reduce physical suffering and promote overall well-being; by controlling environmental stressors that may threaten the patient’s homeostasis;  by the caregiver/patient relationship that has helped to create with the patient, the feeling of trust on which he has drawn the necessary energies to cope with his anxieties; and finally by the resilience capacities shown by our subjects through the hope of a possible cure, faith in God and the support of the family environment.  This research allowed us not only to understand the process of caring for geriatric patients at the Yaoundé Central Hospital, but also to explore a part of the functional dynamics that operate in the psyche of some of these patients in hospitalization.

Key Concepts: elderly, old age, aging, anxiety management, physical management, resilience skills.


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