Author: Martin E. Nkwama


Early pregnancy in Tanzania is the factor led most of the Tanzanian girls dropping out their study either by shying themselves or chasing them out form the form system of schooling. This reason led the word bank with the corroborate with Tanzania government started the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) for the aim of giving girls victimized by early pregnancy another chance to completing their studies. Therefore this study focused in Iringa Municipal to assess the Implementation of the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) Among Girls Victims of Early Pregnancies in the region of Iringa Tanzania: the study had two research objectives namely; to examine the community’s perception of the Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) among girls victimized by early pregnancies, and to explore the challenges facing the implementation of Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) among girls who have been victimized by early pregnancies. The researcher used a qualitative approach, purposive sampling technique employed to gather required information. Targeted populations of the sample involved the Regional Residence Tutor, District Education Officer, students and community members. The researcher also used a case study design whereby interview and focus group discussions were used as a method for data collect. Data were analysed thematically. Trustworthiness and ethical consideration also were observed whereby the names of participants remain confidential. The finding found that the community has a little knowledge about Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP). Also, it was found that most of the community members and education stakeholders remark Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) in different perspectives. Other perceive this project positive while, other perceive it negatively. Moreover, the findings of the current study show that implementation of Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) among Girls who has been Victimized by Early Pregnancies facing different challenges such traditional believe and lack of family support, lack of education about SEQUIP, insufficient infrastructure, stigma from the community and family regarding young mothers continued education. It was recommended that government and community members should consider much the Implementation of Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQUIP) among Girls who has been Victimized by Early Pregnancies by solving different challenges such provision of education to the community. This may help to diminish traditional believe and lack of family support, building enough infrastructure, to enact strict laws to discourage stigma of the community and moralize girls victimized by early pregnancy.

Keywords: Secondary, Education, Quality Improvement, Project, Girls, Early Pregnancies,


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