Authors: Tefera Gebaba & Aniley Berhanu 


The purpose of this study was to examine the existing practices and challenges of adult education programs in pastoral communities of South Omo Zone. The general objective of this study is to examine the existing practices and challenges in the implementation of adult education programs in pastoral communities. The descriptive survey design was employed. The mixed research method was adopted to provide and explain the required information about the existing practices and challenges. To make the study manageable 9 Woredas of the zone were limited to 3 Woredas. The researcher used the table of sample determination for confidence level = 95%, and margin of error =5%. The Sample size is based on desired accuracy source (Gill et al., 2010). Therefore, from the formula K=T/n= 995/249 ≈ 4, the determined sample of 1000 people became 278. And, 26 adult education professionals are availably taken for review. The reliability was tested by using Cronbach alpha (ɑ=30/30-1(1-45.52/ 169.78) =0.76). The findings showed that the majority 116(42.6%) replied partially since they lacked an adequate information of the program with mean & standard deviation (M = 2.93, SD = 0.936); 117(42.5%) of adults couldn’t participate to learn (M = 2.58, SD = 1.01). IFAE program is not related with their livelihood: economic utilization disease protection and Technical skills. Facilitators are not the trained professionals hence, don’t respected learners culture. Finally, the researcher recommended that the Woreda education office should provide the relevant learning materials & organize schedules; needs to employ qualified facilitators, and should focus on adults’ needs to foster their practical life style.

Keywords: Community Participation, Cultural Issues, Stakeholders’ Support, Learners’ Need


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