Authors: Francisca Tochukwu Udu & Emmanuel Ejiofo Nwanmuoh  


Human capital development consists of all the attributes, values, knowledge, skills and health that people accumulate throughout their lives, to enable them realize their potentials as productive members of the society. Education, training, experience and health are important to invest in human capital as it is one of the most important aspects of business. If humans are equipped with the necessary life gadgets that they require to function well, it will create enabling society, with increased human resources, political, social, cultural and economic growth. Human capital development plays an important role in good governance, for a well-equipped citizen can create a better society for all. The overall aim of this paper is to demonstrate, drawing from many studies, that human capital development plays a vital role in good governance. Hence this paper attempts to highlight and appreciate the role and necessity for human capital development on Good Governance in Nigeria economy. The study therefore made some recommendations to improve on human capital development on good governance.

Keywords: Human Capital Development, Good Governance, Nigeria


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