Authors: Ritch M. Banate, Shawn Ashley G. Adrales, Samantha Nicole R. Bacli, Raven B. Cancel, Mark Rollyson V. Guarin & Honeylit V. Sagal


The study focused on determining the entrepreneurial development activities and their significant effect on business skills enhancement of business administration students of Cavite State University- Tanza Campus. This also determines the sex, age, and the number of attended entrepreneurial development activities. Moreover, it will determine the attended entrepreneurial development activities. It employed a descriptive research design using a survey questionnaire administered using Google Forms. For this study, the researchers used a total enumeration sampling technique to gather all 87 responses from third-year business administration students of Cavite State University- Tanza Campus. Data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS. Results shows that entrepreneurial development activities have a high significant effect to the business skills enhancement of the students

Keywords: Entrepreneurial development activities, business skills enhancement, and business administration students


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