Author: Dimanche Lingoso Lifengo


Congolese EFL Learners face various problems in acquiring English pronunciations in general. On the one hand they are at loss when to relate the way English is written –orthography and pronounced (sounds) , since, for them, this relationship  is irregular, chaotic and illogic. On the other hand, they face similar difficulties in stressing accurately the words they encounter, since English stress is varying and shifting. This paper attempts to re-examine such typical Congolese students’ pronunciation problems from a bases on a new global approach involving a triangular analysis of the phenomenon, that is, taking into account both the spelling (graphology), the pronunciation (phonology/sound)  and the stress (stressology) under the appellation of ‘’stresso-graphophonemics’’

The main objective of this paper is to find out the particular spelling, stressing and phonological patterns that determine the relationship between the three factors and to make them explicit teachable/learnable enough for anyone interested in the teaching of the English language

Keywords: Stresso-graphemics, graphology, graphophonemics, stressology, pronunciation.


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