Author: Mateus Quintino Antonio Cabi 


This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the challenges surrounding women’s political participation in Guinea-Bissau, focusing on the impact of affirmative policies, particularly Parity Law Nr. 04/2018.  The study adopted qualitative methods of research. Qualitative data for this study is gathered through interviews, focus groups, and document analysis to understand the sociocultural and institutional barriers that deter women from active political engagement. I also use triangulation to collect secondary data to assess the numerical changes in women’s representation in political institutions prior post the implementation of Parity Law Nr. 04/2018. The study recommends a critical evaluation of the enforcement and reception of the parity law by examining its adoption within political parties, electoral processes, and governmental structures. The study found that women’s representation in the political process of Guinea Bissau is troubling and in a state of decline. The study recommends Key stakeholders, including policymakers, civil society organizations, and female politicians, be consulted for the implementation of affirmative policies geared towards women’s representation in politics and governance.

Keywords: Parity Law, Women’s Political Engagement, Democracy


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