Author: Nguyen Thanh Sang, PhD


In the context of a highly competitive human resource market, investing in improving human capital is increasingly of interest to many people, because human capital is one of the most important capital sources of an organization, especially Individuals paying their own training costs is the current trend. Based on human capital theory (HCT), organizational equilibrium theory (TOE), and organizational support theory (POS), this study aims to develop a comprehensive model of self-sponsored training (SST), human capital (HC), Desirable of Movement (DM), Ease of Movement (EM), Intention to leave the organization (IL) and Perceived organizational support (POS). Using a survey questionnaire, this study collected data from 509 participants. The study hypotheses were evaluated using piecewise linear squared structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Research results show that SST has a positive impact on HC; HC positively affects DM and EM; DM, EM promote IL. POS plays an important moderating role in the relationship between DM and IL. From there, the study proposes some management implications to limit the intention to leave the organization of employees at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Dong Thap province, Vietnam.

Keywords: Self-sponsored Training, Human Capital, Desirable of Movement, Ease of Movement, Perceived organizational Support, Intention to Leave the organization, SMEs.


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