Authors: Moh. Sholeh & Sirri Nahzatun Qowimah


This study focuses on the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of working psychology graduate students. It aims to delve deeper into their experiences in managing HRQoL and the strategies they use to maintain a healthy quality of life. Using a phenomenological qualitative approach, the study explores the subjective experiences of two students who are pursuing graduate studies while working. The findings indicate that the combination of academic and work responsibilities impacts the physical and mental well-being of the students. Both participants employed time management strategies and adapted to different environments to maintain their HRQoL, despite ongoing pressures. In conclusion, working graduate students face significant challenges in maintaining their HRQoL, but with the right strategies, they can manage these pressures effectively.

Keywords: Health-Related Quality of Life, Graduate Students, Psychology, Work


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