Authors: A.A.N.D Abeyrathana, Prof. W.M. Shaminda Wanasinghe & P.K.S.S.T Thilakarathne


This study was conducted with the main objective of examining the role of art teachers in developing interpersonal intelligence in today’s school education. For that, the opportunities in the subject of art and the problems faced by teachers in developing interpersonal intelligence were kept as specific objectives. Survey design was used to study this research. 60 art teachers were selected using simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Data analyzed using quantitative methods. It was revealed that there are enough opportunities to develop the interpersonal model in the art subject. It was clear that activities related to pair group activities have been included in the learning and teaching process. But it was also revealed that the development of interpersonal intelligence does not take place sufficiently in the classroom. According to these findings, it could be concluded that there are enough opportunities and activities for the development of interpersonal intelligence in the syllabus. Accordingly, it was concluded that the teacher’s role in the development of interpersonal intelligence is not fulfilled properly. Suggestions were also made to mitigate this problem. To develop interpersonal intelligence, traditional teaching methods should be avoided and student-centered and practical teaching methods should be adopted. It was suggested that it is necessary to direct students to curricular as well as extra-curricular activities.

Keywords: Art Teachers, Interpersonal Intelligence, Junior Secondary Students


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