Authors: Christine Kapita Umumararungu & Appoline Kabera Bazubagira


The study assessed factors contributing to employees’ commitment and its implication on Organizational Ownership Behaviour in Rwanda considering Private Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) as case study. The aim of the research was to examine factors contributing to employees’ commitment as well as the dimensions of employees’ commitment and Organization Ownership Behaviour. Data was collected from 5 Private HLIs with a sample of 24 employees in each which makes a total number of 120 respondents. The findings revealed that employees’ commitment is grounded on a combination of different factors namely employees’ involvement in decision making, open communication, organizational culture, work environment and career growth opportunities. The results highlighted that HLIs do not put more emphasis on enhancing various dimensions of employees’ commitment. It was also revealed that 47.6% of respondents are not proud of their work place, 44.5% work due to lack of alternative employment opportunities which affect their level of performance. From selected HLIs, 36.1% avowed that they do not feel concerned with problems of employing organizations. The study concluded that HLIs lack proper management of employees as key players of academic excellence. It was found out that there is lack of emphasis on employees’ commitment factors which in turn lead to Organization Ownership Behaviour.  It has been proved that if employers take care of their employees, they will in turn satisfy the organization customers’ needs. The study recommends Private HLIs effectively manage employees so that they may successfully accomplish their duties and responsibilities. This would lead towards better employees’ performance and good quality of education.

Keywords: Employees, commitment, Organizational Ownership Behaviour


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