Author: Stavroula Patsiomitou


The current study emphasizes the significance of digital media and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in developing innovative approaches to concept introduction. The study centers on an educational experiment aimed at investigating AI technologies, including ChatGPT, Leonardo.AI, Lumen5.AI, and Pictory.AI, in the creation of Linking Visual Active Representations. This involves the integration of verbal text with both virtual static content and interactive video elements. Additionally, the study introduces the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, which acts as a framework for evaluating the educational experiment carried out with these AI tools. An analysis of a dialogue generated by ChatGPT is conducted through the lens of Bloom’s theory, resulting in the finding that ChatGPT not only applies Bloom’s framework but also incorporates various theoretical perspectives from didactics, pedagogy, and psychology to develop quizzes and dialogues. The extensive educational experiment will facilitate the extraction of insights regarding how ChatGPT utilizes theoretical frameworks to formulate questions and foster subsequent discussions among students and educators, stemming from a series of increasingly complex prompts.

Index Terms– Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, Linking Visual Active Representations, The revised Bloom’s taxonomy.


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