Authors: Mine Gül, Ahmet Vatansever & Oğuzhan Alpat


By measuring the reflections of competition in football, it is aimed to determine the status of factors that directly affect individual and team performance, such as development effort, teammate support, supporting a teammate, communication, personal awareness, knowing the coach and coach preference. In the study, the “Positional Competition Scale in Sports” was applied to the football players. While there are differences compared to other athletes in the categories of teammate support and coach preference of football players between the ages of 14-16, there are differences compared to other athletes in the sub-categories of development effort and self-awareness of football players in the 14-16 age group. Get 1-3 years of education in the education age category. When the team category was evaluated, it was determined that the U19 and U17 groups made a difference in the teammate support and coach preference subcategory. There seems to be a general difference in forwards compared to defenders and midfielders. As a result, it is understood that young athletes have more in-team group support in terms of regular training process, and that they make significant progress in the development effort categories in terms of being included in the team and taking responsibility, compared to other subgroups. and self-awareness.

Keywords– Football, positional competition, team sports


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