Author: Apostolos Karaoulas
Education serves as a cornerstone of social structure, influencing individual development and the collective consciousness of society. This paper focuses on the significance of education in promoting social values, enhancing social mobility, and shaping political culture in modern Greece up to the present day. Through a critical review of existing literature, it analyses the historical reforms of the education system and their impact on social reproduction and inequalities.
The study reveals that educational policies and reforms are not isolated from broader political and social conditions. Rather, they are a response to the challenges that the education system faces in its efforts to adapt to ever-changing social needs. There is an urgent need for educational policies that reflect the principles of social justice and equality to build a truly democratic society.
Moreover, this work aims to analyze the impact of social inequalities on access to and quality of education, highlighting deficiencies arising from structural inequalities and the need for programs that enhance social cohesion. In this context, innovative approaches to education are proposed, which would allow for overcoming historical inequalities and promoting social change.
Finally, the critical importance of education as a driving force for social change is emphasized. It is concluded that ongoing reforms must incorporate a holistic approach that promotes equality and access for all. Only then can a sustainable and just future for Greek society be ensured.
Keywords: History of Education, Social Change, Social Cohesion, Education Reforms, Social Justice
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