Author: Barry Chametzky, PhD
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a broad and very popular topic in research. Within SEL, there are five interconnected components that must be understood to help each of us achieve a higher degree of self-awareness and improved interpersonal relationship with our fellow human beings. Some of the SEL behaviors discussed in this paper, though, are not always what they appear to be. These behaviors may be traumagenic in nature so an element of manipulation may be present unbeknownst to the other person in the conversation. Additionally, elements of social emotional learning can be used with doctoral candidates to help combat the disturbingly high attrition rates. In light of SEL, through an understanding of the AREA acronym, we faculty members, can also explore ways to help doctoral candidates succeed in their studies thereby helping to reduce attrition rates.
Keywords: social emotional learning, doctoral learners, anxiety, attrition, AREA acronym
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