Authors: Liliana Acero & Pablo Zuleta Pastor


Migration to Chile has increased substantially during the last 5 years, with the latest wave of migrants being that of Venezuelans, representing as of 2022 more than half a million people, i.e. 32.8% of foreign residents. Unplanned migration flows have generated a profound crisis characterised by high levels of xenophobia and a lack of protective state policies. This study aims to analyse qualitatively the characteristics of the early migration processes as narrated by 10 Venezuelan migrants to Chile, emphasising their effects on psychosomatic health. It argues that social stigma has a direct adverse impact on psychosomatic health, while stamina works in the opposite direction, being mediated by the social support received from others. The work is based on Venezuelans’ perceptions before and during departure, in their journeys, and upon their arrival in Chile. Findings show that key factors negatively influence their mental health at the different stages, such as forced migration, unplanned or sudden fleeing, violence and profound adversities faced on bus and on foot journeys, irregular entry, and exhaustion, reduced access to mental health care, social discrimination and acculturation stress. The main protective factors that favor mental health include the care provided by relatives and friends, as well as the favourable disposition of hosts.

Keywords: Venezuelan migrants; Chile; departure; journey; arrival; acculturation process; acculturation stress; migrants’ narratives.


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