Author: Lekungha Nadege Sama, PhD
This article explores the nexus between refugee participation in decision-making and long-term solutions to their livelihood issues, arguing that humanitarian support programs are not sustainable because they do not align with the needs and interests of their beneficiaries. This argument is contested by sampled refugee opinions collected in two of Cameroon’s largest refugee camps, which show that even though refugees are included in key decision-making processes, there is an incongruous unalignment between humanitarian support packages and the needs and interests of refugees. Additionally, several refugee humanitarian assistance initiatives have failed because of this unalignment. The paper also aims to demonstrate that the humanitarian action plan’s failure to include beneficiary needs and interests in their action plans suggests that the sustainability of refugee development and reducing dependence on humanitarian support packages are not often the primordial objective of donor assistance.
Keywords: Refugee Participation, decision-making, humanitarian support packages, refugee well-being, Cameroon, refugee camps.
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